Utopia Station
A Festival of Creative Urban Living 2019, Milton Keynes
‘Utopia Station’ is a scientific, speculative, artistic experiment, where collaborative and collective actions combine to illustrate new urban futures housed in a remarkable, recycled temporary tower, with far-reaching views across Milton Keynes (design by Raumlabor),
What is the future relationship between man and nature?
What is urbanity?
What will be our quality of life if we live in a world of infinite mobility?
What is the future of place and context?
How does your climate change?
Together with MK’s residents, Teleinternetcafe offer an open invitation to ‘Utopia Station’ to discuss, edit and design a utopian city for tomorrow by becoming part of a performative, collaborative new town production process, by drawing, writing, sketching, painting, modeling and enacting your vision for the future.

© Foto: studiostagg

More information on Raumlabor Webseite and on the website of „A Festival of Creative Urban Living 2019“: https://afcul.org